Mon, 5 Mar 2007 03:09:33 +0100 (CET)
Attendance last week was 116 students. Next week we will have more than that and maybe our regular atttendance of 142. I am hopeful the kids will be able to get back in the regular building this week.
Mon, 05 Mar 2007 02:00:57 +0000
I have to meet captain Schmitz at STS tomorrow morning 8:00 AM. A soldier approached the Director during canteen last week and told him that the UN will give us back the school on Wednesday next week. They begin to repair the interior of the building since yesterday. I will go there tomorrow to see what’s next and report the latest to you. I wanted to reach you before then and sending pictures, but my internet service has been running poor speed since the beginning of the weekend.
I pray all of you are well in Jesus name.
Date: March 1, 2007 1:02:53 AM EST
Subject: Recent photo of STS classes
Hi Everyone,
I attached recent pictures of STS classes taking yesterday. When I left STS yesterday morning Wenzy called about a March destination to the US Embassy from Cite Soleil. STS was invited at the last minute. Several schools and people were participating. I don't know the out comes of that activity if it happened indeed, but I couldn't allow our students go to the March without motivating there parents and plus I wasn't sure who planned it. They wanted to send several messages to US government to stop the killing in Cite Soleil, reopen all school doors, restore peace, and reparation and...
I heard one of the chiefs in Cite Soleil is being caught, but I can't confirm that information yet. His name is Belony from "Bois Noeuf" were most kidnapped in this past time were taking to. I don't think anything is being stated about that on the news, but the approach of a deputy asking for immediate intervention of our police in a specific province area is a thought in addition to several individuals being caught o the road by the police and some escaped.
The story I know from the ghetto is like this. I was told that Belony sent about 20 of his soldiers there to prepare his terrain at his hometown. I don't recall the name of the province. Citizens of that province assassinated a few of those individuals intruding their community with guns and trying to control the area. Belony escape from his hiding place in Cite Soleil and go there to see what's going on, but the citizens ran after him and called the police. They said he was caught in a bus with several others later on.
I was also told that several others on the run from Boston including the chief Evens almost got caught yesterday by the UN around 1er Cite. Amazing affair isn't it. I wonder if people rather live in peace in that community or choose to live in there like it used to be? On the bottom line one must be very careful as you suggested many times.
I have not heard from the UN yet on STS case. I have no reply regarding the new possible sponsor Angie for SPARE. I don't know if someone is reaching her regarding the possibility yet. I hope everyone is continuing well. I will keep in touch.
Peace and good day,
February 17, 2007 6:44:46 AM EST
Attached are pictures taking yesterday morning during non-violent movement in front of STS. Also showing picture of students coming from school while a portion of schools are being taking over by UN. Slogan like "would STS be taking if it was for American rather than Haitian" was towing to the UN in the ambience of a marching band. The movement went across the ghetto and sure to pass before all UN posting points. Rumors the UN will leave the building after the carnival season which begins this Sunday until Tuesday. I was told the UN said that.
I have a meeting with STS this afternoon. We will see in different things such as finding a place for our sixth graders to continue with the school year, organizing food distribution, and changing ideas on a nonviolent coalition to force the UN out the school. We all feel too much disrespect and injustice in this especially after the UN press conference before taking over the schools. On the other hand, wanted people are going around in front of them daily and the guns are still around, but no major decision is taking for that. I think it's best to turn our schools into prison and base.
I think the UN mission in the ghetto is a failure thus far unless they caught the guys with guns. Is it just about the Venezuelan president visit to Haiti soon, or the UN is trying to extend his contract in Haiti ?
I talk to Coulou this morning about the possibility of using BYA's office to facilitate STS in doing certain things. He thinks it's no problem and he will talk to the rest of the members about it. I hope to meet with them very soon about STS.
I will keep in touch.
Guy, Theodore Morelus
Date: February 27, 2007 6:39:17 AM EST
Subject: STS is somewhat functioning...
Yesterday was our first day working in the small building and everythig went well. I don’t know how the teachers manage to have all the classes in there, but we had class for the kids of STS. Wenzy said they used the cafeteria and the storage room next to it to facilitate the other classes and some classes were divided in two portions. Today again we are working and hope to hear from the UN head this week to tell us when exactly they will give us the place back. It things continues to go well in that sense, I will begin to have canteen for the kids on Wednesday.
Guy, Theodore Morelus.
Date: February 23, 2007 12:36:08 PM EST
Subject: Food distribution and meeting with UN captain today...
Mr. B!
Food distribution is done. Everything went well. We grouped in a different location and marched towards the building. The food was stored in two cars until the building. The teachers stayed organized help us through in order. We clear the area before we left it means that all the students and parents we gone in front of us and make sure that we respected our words.
From the time we begin the distribution, the UN begins to take pictures of our actions and video taped us from upstairs. They called their superior and by the time we were finishing three tanks came. Before that, two of them stopped Wenzy and begin to question him. Wenzy couldn’t answer everything so they call for me. They wanted to know who the money for the distribution is from. How come we are distributing money to the students plus food?
When the superior came he wanted answerers to a few questions, can you identify yourself, who is the school for, is the money from the gangsters of the community, and do I know the gangsters. Do you have the school partners or sponsors address, e-mail and coordinates? I answered his questions tell him about my coordinating work, STS, SPARE, and Harvest Time. He took pictures of identification and that on that Director. He said he will talk to his captain about it. I told him I talk to his captain this morning. I provide your telephone number, and e-mail. I also gave him mine and that of Wenzy.
Captain Smitch if I spell it right called me this morning. He wants to see me .... I will go meet him at 1:30 PM this afternoon. I am open to hear them and try my best to gain back the community of STS.
I got to run now. I will be sending picture of the distribution later and share the latest on our meeting with the captain Smitch.
Good day to all.
Date: February 22, 2007 8:19:44 PM EST
Subject: STS students approached UN in our builing today...
I am reporting STS movement in Cite Soleil today. Let me first say everything went well we are hoping to hear from the UN. I am going to explain in more details.
STS teachers and students gathered together in uniform this morning at Ecole Mixte St. Vincent de Paul in Boston . The group marched towards STS building and stands there until the UN approached. Shortly after, a soldier came down and asked what our demonstration is about. They asked for the director. Wenzy went in the building with a translator and talk to the soldiers. In the mean time four UN tanks were already heading towards us with siren and gun point. The soldiers from our building showed up a told them everything was fine. STS students and teachers were then surrounded by UN soldiers in a way to protect us from any attack and some trying to friendly with the kids suddenly.
The UN soldiers conversation with STS Director:
UN soldier (unknown) – What are you doing or demonstrating against?
Wenzy – We are not demonstrators or intending to protest, March, or having sittings against you or anyone we simply approach you in a pacific way to advise our intention towards our school and our students. We need to feed our students and need to know when we will have our building back to reopen our classes. On the contrary we are for peace in Cite Soleil.
The soldier was unable to answer at that point. He went to get a sergeant to continue.
UN sergeant (unknown) – We are aware this is a school building, but the school position is so useful to MINUSTAH’s operation to catch the bad guys and restore peace in the community. We can not leave the building right now, but we won’t stop you from using the next building or if anything my superior will decide. I can not answer you directly but leave your phone number and that of the head of the school our captain will get in touch with you.
Wenzy – We will have a food distribution for our students tomorrow morning in the building next door what do you think about that?
UN sergeant – On the contrary, we are glad you are feeding the kids. We also support schooling in Cite Soleil. We provide school supplies to schools etc… We do want the kids to go to school. We have no problem about the food distribution.
The director gave him mine and his phone number they then escort him out the building with the interpreter. We are waiting on the captain’s call. Notice that this activity did not include anyone else but those in the community of STS. Parents and other citizens of Boston were very glad we stand for the school. They are hopeful to see their kids in school and save the school year.
Tomorrow morning we will have the food distribution as scheduled. I don’t have any picture of today’s activity. I hope to do tomorrow. We feel a bit of satisfaction at this point in Haiti . Knowing we will reach and distribute food to our students during this time being is a blessing and a step forward. God is good.
God bless you all,
Date: February 20, 2007 12:20:11 PM EST
Subject: UN operations continue in Cite Soleil...
Hi everyone,
Another surprising morning in Cite Soleil. The UN continues their operations. This morning the neighborhood call “Belekou” is surrounded and undergoing operation is taking place. Other troops are patrolling the whole community’s perimeter to prevent the armed groups from attacking or supporting Belekou. I want to remind that there are 34 neighborhoods in Cite Soleil. Boston is the second closest zone to Belekou, and Brooklyn right next to it. Access is very limited in the everywhere. Already, I was informed a few armed ones have been arrested, there are no clashes or killings in Belekou, and this neighborhood’s chief house, Amaral is under UN possession. Many armed ones are under run or hiding somewhere. I will be updated as the day goes by. I hope to have the latest to share with you
It becomes impossible for us to gather before the school this morning to approach the UN. We postpone that movement until possible time. The director and I were able to motivate the teachers and students to cancel. I am thinking through the possibility of feeding the kids in the mean time and continue to see in saving the school year for our students especially sixth graders. It is possible to feed the kids at BYA’s office, but it will cost a four way trip or by foot for the kids. It is possible to find other places. I asked Elange to address his pastor at the meeting, but I don’t have any answer yet. I was to see her this morning. I will try to reach her by phone on this subject.
One thing is almost certain to me is that the school year is at risk for all the kids of Cite Soleil. Only The UN can really decide weather they will facilitate school functioning in the zone or not. I say that because they almost control the whole community now. The kids and their parents want the school doors open.
I will get back in touch.
Good day and blessings,
Guy, Theodore Morelus.
Date: February 19, 2007 9:48:13 AM EST
Subject: Our motivation in Haiti...
I had a meeting with St. STS teachers and staff on Saturday. There were different views and opinion about the situation at STS. Some of us are very uncomfortable with the situation, but oversee the injustice and willing to reply non-violently for the benefit of the students. The situation broke everyone’s heart. It exist a complexity for us at STS.
As you know, the two powerful groups in the community are the UN and the armed individuals. The UN took over our school while some of the bad guys are assuming if the school head aren’t the ones to agree with the UN to take over. Some of them don’t think like that. That becomes a second weird alibi on the school. I am doing my best to clear that out in many ways and to establish our normal functioning again. I don’t think normal functioning of STS can be done anytime soon because we are unsure how much damage is inside that building. It is a prerogative to insure the school year for sixth graders.
This is what the school people and I agreed and are motivating to do right now. Since yesterday, some of our teachers are going around the community with a megaphone inviting the students only to join us Tuesday morning to approach the UN about our first food distribution and to possibly know exactly when they will leave the facility, or will they provide us with another one since our location is at their opportune. We want to do this movement with teachers, staff and students only. We don’t even need any parents to be with us or else do not send the kids to join us. We are not intending to manifest right now, but organizing to have a better word from The UN about our building and the opportunity to feed our students and teachers.
Notice that our classes next to the main building are not occupied. That includes the cafeteria, and the kitchen area. We can use that side of STS for a distribution without disturbing the UN. We simply want them to know what we are about to do and hopeful to have their approach during that time. As I said, rumors they will leave all the school after this week but is not something official. Many organizations across the country are asking the UN the leave the school buildings even if they continue their mission in that zone. If they disagree to let us do that we won’t do it, but we will than move on to a non-violent-coalition against them to get the school back. STS as well as the others are being used by UN because of its heights and position. Their alibi to take over the schools is stupid.
It is no problem for us to have STS food distribution done at BYA’s office. I talk to a couple members on the phone and will have a meeting with them on Thursday. We are hopeful to have the distribution on Friday or Saturday.
It is said that their mission for Cite Soleil is not ending now while a water distribution to the community. The also arrest one of the neighborhood chief on Saturday. Not Boston chief, but one of them. The UN commander for the operation in Cite Soleil stated that they will continue their mission to restore a safety and a normal social environment to the community. They distribute water and juice to the community of Boston and trying to stimulate the kids with clowns and pictures etc… They promise to bring balls and toys to the kids, but they forget the kids need schooling.
Thanks for your prayers and thoughts.
God bless you all,
Guy, Theodore Morelus.
Date: February 16, 2007 9:39:56 AM EST
Subject: RE: Latest about St. Thomas School situation
Guy, Theodore Morelus.
Mr. B, Your message has some deep point and I am also more comfortable to know how what you and others can or can’t do at this point. I agree with many things you said and I don’t think the UN is intending to move out unless their mission is completed or being forced to do so by a non-coalition movement as it already has. Yesterday for instance there was a march in Cite Soleil. The school communities especially Hands Together and other sectors, STS teachers, as well as citizens of the ghetto were asking the UN to stop the killing, leave to schools, and allow normal activities in Cite Soleil. St. Thomas and the national school were two of the schools mentioned during the March. Some of our teachers were in the march. In the mean time, Hands Together schools are functioning. Today again there will be another march against the UN in Cite Soleil. I am intending to participate and am thinking why not organizing our own standing on that end against the UN asking non-violent coalition to join us as we join the recently made movements. For now, I have other discretion. I think it is best to have a meeting with STS people and decide some things in common. As advised, I do not let any of our teachers, staff or crew approach the UN. There is no shooting for a few days now. They pass by, or standing from distance and observe. Ducas’ mother is living very close by. We wanted to hear more from before we can figure out how to proceed. Almost everything is destroyed as people even notice our canteen Igloos are being used for hygiene. A toilet is made and connected to the top floor. I understand we may not be able to convince the UN to leave the facility right now, but is it just a thought being unsure that they won’t reimburse the damages caused to that little school good hearted Americans are supporting. I don’t think it would be fair to any of us including the community, the students, and the owner. If things continue like this, I too can take some action. I can prepare sittings, March, manifestation against the UN with in the community. One thing is unsure to me and I want to be clear on it before I can make any move. Before the UN took STS and other schools of the community, they had a press conference on national TV. The said the bad guys from the community are using schools to attack. They also mentioned that they notice armed individuals behind each manifestation or March movement against them. I need to know if the UN is meaning that STS is being used by armed ones to attack them. The alibi set against the schools the UN is destroying in Cite Soleil is strong. Do they also mean that the teachers, Harvest Time, and I are supporting outlaws of the community? If so, I am ready for their arrest along with the teachers and the students. I would be a nice time to reveal the UN corruptions I the ghetto such as providing guns and ammunitions to the bad guys. Many people in Cite Soleil don’t ask me for help from Harvest Time anymore. They want my own help. I know many do get the message about HT not having enough or willing to help people individually rather than a community. I don’t think I am personally able help anyone with rent or other heavy expenditure right now, but if I could I would. I wouldn’t let any one assume that I can help over again. I can always feel to do the right thing, but unable to. That’s why I do what’s right when I am able to and feel good about it. Learning to say no we I have to and also feel good about it. I will meet with the teachers tomorrow and arrange certain things such as finding a way to save the school year for the official students (six grades), organizing for food distribution. I think it is good to approach the UN as you said to see if they can be as human to help to have our food distribution in the school, but there again I think it is insulting to us to ask the UN for what’s already ours. We will try that any way. I am intending to get in contact with BYA members today to facilitate our food distribution in case the UN disagrees to help us. I am unsure about getting the church once more for food distribution, but we will think through during the meeting. My heart goes out to those kids and the community in general. Next thing the UN needs their own white house in Haiti as they want to have they own radio station here with the people money. In terms of community canteen, Food for the poor has two in Boston only; I am unsure how many they have in other neighborhoods of the ghetto. I know Hands together has one, but I am told is it closed for a while. STS school feed the kids as well as all Hands Together schools.
Date: February 13, 2007 10:34:01 PM EST
Subject: Latest about STS...
I went to Cite Soleil today. I had a chance to visit the community shortly. I drove to STS from the main boulevard which was cut for long time. I made frequent stops talking to people before reaching the school. I saw the build building fully occupied by MINUSTAH. All top floor windows are being broke setting sandbag defense. The security gate on the second floor is cut in half. The office doorway is blocked with sandbag. The small building where beginners’ classes are at is not taking by them.
UN guns are pointed towards the community from the building. Tanks are patrolling around and stop in the heart of Boston as very often. I saw a few students, the substitute, the director, and a couple teachers. I talked to them in front of Hands Together’s clinic in Boston ; Coulou (BYA) was there as well. Suddenly while I was talking to the first group of people, a few of Boston youth came to join us. Everyone was sharing their point of view on the community. Two of the guys said they never come out of their house for two weeks until they heard I was around. The community is looking somber and isolated and terrified. There are no activities in the community, but little kids playing in the streets not even community canteens. There are two community canteens in Boston . Traffic is somewhat poor on the national road.
It is said that the UN will leave the schools sometimes soon, but no one is sure when.
I am having an intense pressure from the community despite my broken heart to them. I did not want to mention this but, people don’t seem to take no for an answer in this moment of trouble. I have multiple requests for assistance from people of community. People need food, money to join relatives in province, loan for rent, asking me to for shelter and refuge, and some need money to by phone cards so they can get in touch with relatives for help.
Everyone is waiting to see what is next, but everyday more and more people are leaving the zone. There is no doubt that almost everyone need to see the UN out the community and stop the killing. People denied this final intervention because the guns are still in Cite Soleil and well as the outlaws.
I will keep you posted on the latest as I watch the situation. God is good; we are all safe and our students as well.
Peace and blessings,
Guy, Theodore Morelus.
Date: February 12, 2007 1:08:15 PM EST
In this present hour, people of Boston and across Cite Soleil are manifesting against the UN to leave all the schools they are occupying in the ghetto and leave the ghetto in general. The group is actually in front of St. Thomas School asking the UN to leave the building. There are actually no armed individuals in Boston people want them to leave and let the kids go to school. I will be in touch soon.
What’s going on in your side about that case?
God bless you,
Guy, Theodore Morelus
Date: February 9, 2007 10:05:57 PM EST
Subject: More info about UN in Cite Soleil...
Today at 2:00 PM UN soldiers finally step in the heart of Boston where the armed group had their base. UN soldiers actually control that area and the people there in. At the UN check point heading north coming to the ghetto many people are being held behind barbwire. The armed group including their chief is under run or hiding some where. I am listening to Boston chief Evens on the radio right now. His is talking to the nation crying and threating to kill himself seeing the UN killing innocent people even little babies trying to catch him. He swore to finish himself instead of being arrested or killed by UN soldiers. He rather turn in himself to the Haitian authorities.
The radio animator and the crowd that was surrounding Evens finally convinced him to give up the gun. He finally agreed to do so and willing to return his gun to the government if they want to. He said he tried to convince the president to return the guns, but Preval wouldn’t listen now because he had a chance to do that before now. There is a little interruption on the radio now, but I am still watching the situation close.
Many people living in the ghetto can not get back home for the street market or else where. Many from Cite Soleil are on the streets tonight seeking else where to rest. I know many are in danger because of the fact there are from Cite Soleil. As far as I know, two armed individuals are dead from the beginning, two little kids are dead, a young girl got killed receiving a UN bullet on her chest, and many got injured and shot.
More tomorrow Mr. B, John, and Greg,
Thanks for your prayers and blessings,
Guy, Theodore Morelus
Date: February 9, 2007 7:15:51 AM EST
The UN forces took over St. Thomas School Building this morning around 3:00 AM. I am going to try to reach the teachers ahead of school time to share the info and have them stay away from the school. I want to go there this morning to see what's up. I am asking myself is it the right time to question the UN about this move. The building can be a very useful positon for the UN in their mission against the armed groups. I am assuming that is one of the reason why it has been taking.
Take care,
Guy, Theodore Morelus
Date: February 7, 2007 12:52:54 AM EST
Hello everyone,
I want to share a few photos of the recent UN sprayed in Boston , Cite Soleil. I went to the zone today and profit the occasion. I saw the UN as serious as ever controlling the perimeter of Boston and Belekou. Armed ones are inside posting, or watching, or sleeping. The community seems terrified, somber, and almost empty, bullet sprays all over, fear if filling the innocent faces beyond each glance of hope and freedom. St. Thomas School attendance has dropped by 30%. As you can see for yourselves on the pictures, I wonder what’s next. In a general case, STS in one of the many schools being sprayed not to say all schools because I have not gone all around the 33 zones. I must say, only the Catholic Church and the Red Cross building have very few bullet marks.
I reset the clock on the camera while I was taking pictures some of the dates shown are wrong. I forgot to do so from the last time I took pictures. I am sure the date is set now.
I have additional pictures coming up. It is now 12:00 AM HT time. I get better speed for photo attachments around that time, but on weekend.
I am still following the situation in Boston as close possible.
Thanks for your prayers.
Be well and God bless you,
Date: February 3, 2007 12:53:29 PM EST
Subject: About the situation in Boston
I am writing in following the situation in Boston . Between Thursday night and Friday morning, UN soldiers begin to spray the Boston neighborhood with gun fire. Lately is no clashing only UN forces shooting on the community. In one house, two little kids got killed, the father got one bullet in his right arm, and the mother is in very critical condition at the hospital. I must mention that the six and the seven girls who got killed were the two youngest children of that family. Earlier this week, an armed guy from Boston got killed before sunrise.
As always, innocent citizens of the community are the only victims. I think MINUSTAH is forcing the zone’s citizen to handover the bad guys, but they seem to forget the citizens are afraid of both the armed individuals and them. People are in grate fear and danger lately. It is weird to me that I both UN and the bad guys don’t get in sympathy of the community. The bad guys or UN could ask the citizen to move so they can clash as tough ones. In my opinion, I think both sides are using and manipulating the community. Most of the citizens are blind or stupid when it comes to understanding the bad guys and UN. Most people in the community don’t understand which is really on their side. Those who are clever realizing that the UN could put a solution to the zone’s problem are having difficulty understanding the UN mission in their favor. On the other hand, even if they would try to join a coalition to save the community from the crisis they then afraid of the bad guys. Informers get killed. As I said the citizens of the community are the ones who get theorized and manipulated.
St. Thomas School walls got hit by UN bullets again. Yesterday, we sent the kids home early. The zone’s chief sent for me and asked me to send the kids back home because they surely don’t know what’s in the UN’s mind and they wouldn’t want any more victims from the UN. Since there were no clashing and canteen was getting ready, students came back for canteen at one. We will move on as we can as every other institution in the ghetto the staff and I agreed. I have a meeting with teachers this afternoon to touch some specific point on that subject and evacuation plans. The staff and I is preparing to work next week only when things are calm and ready to evacuate the kids if anything wrong begin. The kids are informed not to come to school until around 8:30 Am if in fact nothing goes wrong and if yes stay home until new order. Teachers and staff will be present each day and begin if we have the chance.
Many houses are damaged and people who can are getting away from the zone. I have four relatives from the ghetto at my place right now including a two months old baby. To me actually everyone is considered to be the same in Cite Soleil. Just anybody can be a victim.
I am following the situation close. I will keep you inform on the situation. Let us pray harder for Cite Soleil. I wish to see both the bad guys and the UN off the sight of those oppressed.
God bless you,
Guy, Theodore Morelus.